Ever Seen A Smartphone Gun Before? - See One Below

Technology can never reach its peak as we can see the unimaginable things we watch in Sci-Fi tech movies of James Bond been invented in real life. Who could have imagine a hand pistol would one day be conceal to look like a Smartphone? It has really got me opening my mouth a gap after i saw the photo.

Yes we got something real like the picture you see above invented by 'Kirk Kjellberg' who gave a very good reason for having a device like this in public when he is on duty. See photos below;

Kirk Kjellberg, the weapon developer said he came up with the idea through a young boy who say his pistol in a restaurant only to alert his mum and the public. (Kjellberg has a concealed carry permit).

"This little kid says, 'Mommy, Mommy, that man's got a gun,' so the whole restaurant looks at you like you're about to shoot the place up," he explained.

"So I thought to myself there's got to be another way to be able to carry without bothering other people."

So what do you think about this innovation? Its would be nice for security agents huh?


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