SanDisk Lauches Its 400GB Card with Multiple Speed

SanDisk is offering a new 400GB microSD card, a breakthrough that would make it the largest microSD currently on the market.

SanDisk, which is owned by Western Digital, hasn’t revealed details beyond stating that the capacity breakthrough was the result of WD “leveraging its proprietary memory technology and design and production processes that allow for more bits per die.” Western Digital set the previous record two years ago, when it launched a 200GB microSD card.

The speed appears to come with a tradeoff. SanDisk trumpets its A1 speed rating, saying: “Rated A1, the SanDisk Ultra® microSD card is optimized for apps, delivering faster app launch and performance that provides a better smartphone experience.”

This is a generous reading of the A1’s target performance specification. Last year, the SD Association released a report discussing the App Performance Class memory card specification and why the spec was created in the first place.

When Android added support for running applications from an SD card, there was a need to make certain the cards people bought would be quick enough to run apps in the first place. The A1 is rated for 1500 read and 500 write IOPS, with a sequential transfer speed of 10MB/s.


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